Reflection 11 : Learning Kit Presentation


Alhamdulillah everyone managed to finish all the presentations! *clap clap*

Our last presentation is Learning Kit. For my group (Imran, Nadia, Nisa & me myself) we were given the topic AUTISM & MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE.




We did our best. And I hope Dr. Rossen loves our work! Thank you & nice to know you Ummi. You’re the best lecturer I ever had! *bukan nak markah lebih, tapi memang betul*

Anyway, I would like to wish best of luck to all my friends for our final exams. To Imran, Nadia & Nisa, nice to work with three of you. XOXO finals-week-owl

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Reflection 10 : Presentation by Ayie, Prasna & Sheqin



1 Malaysia and its goal – Ayie & Prasna

nilai 1Msia_crop


1 malaysia


 “1Malaysia’s goal is to preserve and enhance this unity in diversity which has always been our strength and remains our best hope for the future. I hope this Website will initiate an open and vital dialogue exploring our Malaysian identity, purpose, and direction. I encourage each of you to join me in defining our Malaysia and the role we must play in its future. Each of us — despite our differences — shares a desire for a better tomorrow. Each of us wants opportunity, Respect, friendship, and understanding.” – Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak

Prasna had discussed with us such a really educational information with us. She explained about five obstacles which may prevent the achievement of of 1Malaysia concept. They are school system, religious sentiments, language, goal and speciality. Thanks Praz for sharing this with us! It is really an eye-opener to me and I believe to others as well (I mean my friends. Hope it includes you).

1. School system

– ethnically & linguistically polarized primary school system (Chinese & Tamil), separated school system at primary level,  90% (Chinese)/ 50% (Indian)  – no opportunity to interact with Malays in the same age category, quota system (MRSM/ MATRICULATION/UNIVERSITIES)

2. Religious sentiments

Ethno-centric (superior compared to other community) – weird, inferior and immoral, differences measured by :customs, family background, attitude,  attire, unhelpful religious sentiment which undermines the practices and institutions of other religions

3. Language

Mother tongue  ( tamil / chinese), cannot  accept that Bahasa  Melayu as official  language, it shows the differences between the races, do not want to give up or want to learn and apply other languages

4. Goal

Not common and shared goal, not ethnically integrated, peace , living in harmony, full & fair partnership

5. Speciality

Special positions of Malay/ Bumiputera (Constitution). Article Rational 153  privileges  : position in public service, scholarship, education, business, special facilities. Malay reserve land so that the reserve land is protected from the non-Malay.


Cooperative Learning – Sheqin

6 1 2 3 4 5

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Reflection 9 : Presentation by Ana, Imran, Nisa, Kak Ika & Zarina

5  Learning Disabilities & Teaching Youth with Learning Disabilities – Ana & Imran

1. DYSLEXIA (difficulty reading)

– problems reading, writing, spelling, speaking

Common signs: reads painfully slow, difficulty with basic letter sounds, has trouble decoding, the order of letters becomes mixed up, cannot recall known words

How to teach: utilize a multi-sensory approach to teaching, use time wisely, provide handouts, model organizational structures, utilize other resources

2. DYSGRAPHIA (difficulty with writing)

– problems with handwriting, spelling, organizing ideas

Common signs: awkward pencil grip, illegible handwriting, frustration with writing thoughts on paper, can talk about an idea but cannot write it down on paper

How to teach: allow for accommodations, modify expectations or task to avoid problem areas, provide remediation to improve the student’s handwriting skills

3. DYSCALCULIA (difficulty with math)

– problems doing math problems, understanding time, using money

Common signs: difficulty recalling number sequences, may mistake numbers that look similar in shape (3 & 8), cannot retain patterns when adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, difficulty with handling money or estimating costs

How to teach: start with a solid foundation of number recognition and operations, use real-life situation for math concepts, use music and games to help with memorization and of facts and tables, handheld calculators help the student to be sure they see the numbers in the correct order and can be used for a quick check for correctness

4. DYSPHASIA/APHASIA (difficulty with language)

– problems understanding spoken language, poor reading

Common signs: difficulty expressing thoughts verbally, poor reading comprehension, frustrated when speaking, have trouble labeling objects

How to teach: use picture cards, specific programs for therapy, online programs

5. DYSPRAXIA (difficulty with fine motor skills)

– problems with hand-eye coordination, balance, manual dexterity

Common signs: problems with physical abilities – require hand-eye coordination, like holding a pencil or buttoning a shirt

How to teach: give short, precise instructions and engage in as much eye, does activities that he recognizes, write letters on a chalkboard and ask him to copy letters and if possible say the letter at the same time

Multi-disciplinary Team – Nisa

Multidisciplinary teams are groups of professionals from diverse disciplines who come together to provide comprehensive assessment and consultation in abuse cases. While their primary purpose is typically to help team members resolve difficult cases, teams may fulfill a variety of additional functions. They can promote coordination between agencies; provide a “checks and balances” mechanism to ensure that the interests and rights of all concerned parties are addressed; and identify service gaps and breakdowns in coordination or communication between agencies or individuals. They also enhance the professional skills and knowledge of individual team members by providing a forum for learning more about the strategies, resources, and approaches used by various disciplines.

The members of  multi-disciplinary team

General educator, special educator, principal, parents, student, therapists, guidance counselors, administrators other than principal, motivator and paraprofessionals. These are the roles of the members of multi-disciplinary team that Niesa had explained.

General educator – Understand the special educators may be responsible for a large group of students and have a limited amount of time for each student. Sharing with other consultants for determining how goals and object can be reinforced during the course of general classroom activities.

Special educator – Recognize suitable techniques to be used towards students especially students with special needs. Respond  to the need of many students rapidly.Recognize the teaching techniques  that may be success in special education class but not in a normal classroom.

Principal – Monitor student’s movements in the schools especially in the classroom.Always update information with the classroom teacher about their performance. Inform parents with the current performance of the students.

Parents – Provide information about the students’ current performance and don’t leave their children’s education in the hand of experts like teachers.

Student – They should responsible for their own educational outcomes. Although for disabilities students, they should think about their responsibility. Don’t let others be responsible for everything.

Global and Analytical Learner – Kak Ika & Zarina


> may work better in groups than alone
>  prefer to work on multiple tasks at once
>  sees the big picture or overall view
>  likely to respond to a problem with emotion first, instead of logic
The strategies that teacher needs to come out for ;
  • Provide a flexible learning environment
  • Explain concept first then the details
  • Give them chances to do some group work
  • Give them multiple task at once
  • Plays background music
  • Gives open ended questions.
  • Relates to life information


>  preferring to study alone for long periods without interruption
>  tend to work on one task to completion
>  focuses on the parts that make up the big picture
>  likely to respond to a problem with logic first, instead of emotion,  solve problem systematically and logically.
The strategies that teacher needs to come out for ;

  • Provide a traditional classroom setting
  • Shows and organize the sequences of information
  • Leads to the larger concept of understanding
  • Provide an activity that follows sequentially, process, list, timeline, and charts
  • Example: bring back pieces or parts of the body altogether and explain their functions
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Reflection 8 : Presentation by Jannah, Nora, Venni & myself



Learner Diversity in Malaysia – Nora

We are so familiar with this topic since our first day enter the classroom, Ummi did explain some information and share her knowledge about this. There are many type of learners.  So, as a teacher (me? not yet. :p) we should know how the diversities of our learner. Not all of them got the best skills/thinking like we predict. We have to know further about our students and it helps us to decide which approach we are going to use later. Actually I want to share my friend problem. But later lah. Will share it at below :p


How Educational For All Will Be Achieved? 

mdg-02-haitiSedih kan gambar? 😦 Bersyukur I am living in peaceful country. Which I can dream &  get anything I want! Alhamdullilah

Here are some info that I get from my reading:

What will it take to get all children in school and learning?
Heather Freitag: Quality teachers, smaller class sizes & innovative teaching methods will help kids learn.

Ibba Girls School: Gender equality & stopping girls being forced into marriage at very young ages in developing countries.

Charlotte Phillips, Kigali, Rwanda: It’s one thing to get children into school (making it compulsory, waiving fees and providing school meals help with this) but another to get them to learn while there. For that it’s all about the teachers. Pay teachers a living wage. This will attract more people into teaching and reduce class sizes, as well as allowing teachers to hold their heads high and gain the respect of the communities they serve in.

What are the most serious bottlenecks to getting all children in school and learning?
Rutwik J. Gandhe: Quality of Education in rural / remote areas is a major constraint for getting children into school.

Rob Gateru, Kenya: It is difficult to have a universal solution since what may work in one country may not work in another. It is important to understand the unique challenges of each setting. In my own humble assessment, the main barriers are poverty, ignorance (especially on the side of parents), cultural beliefs and practices, poor infrastructure and poor government policies/lack of political will to address such matters.

Abu Mubarik , Ghana: The opportunity cost for parents sending children to school is the children’s time that could have been of economic importance to the family either in the form of income generating activities or in supporting the functioning of the house. If the world is going to make any meaningful impact on getting every child to school, critical factors must be considered. For instance, the child must be motivated with incentives to make schooling exciting. Cost of schooling like cost of books, PTA fee, sports fee, extra-tuition fee, mid-term fee, school uniform and exams fee, which most often hinders the child’s interest in education, should be turned into incentives, to boost her interest in school.

What are the priority actions for governments to achieve learning for all?
Noor Akbar: No rocket science! Gov’ts need to do only 2 things to achieve learning for all: Give top priority and allocate ample funds for it.

Behailu , EthiopiaThe government has to incorporate social accountability in its governance structure in order to ensure that ‘education for all!’ is in place. This is because without the full engagement of citizens, it’s almost impossible to implement and achieve the policy objectives. The community knows everything in its area and they are very logical and practical in their decision making. At the same time we can for sure mobilize the necessary resource needed to solve the problem with in their vicinity. Let’s approach them! Let’s listen to them! Let’s work with them! Let’s engage them in all phases of the development agendas!

What can development partners do to help children go to school and learn? 
Jaine Kamau: Partners could build and equip schools in developing nations, support school feeding programs…

Zulfi Khan:Educate 10 million mothers and the rest will be looked after by them

Fatima Sada, London, UK :Development partners should support governments to plan and implement quality education. Government at all levels must increase their investment in quality and access in basic education.


Public Law 99-457 – Venni


Basically, Public Law 99-457 is as education of the handicapped act amendments of 1986. In addition, numerous section of provision law 94-147 (1975) were amended when President Reagent signed into law the education of the handicapped act amendments of 1986.

There are six phases of inclusion. Students may be included by the definition of inclusion’promoting the restructure of general education so that all students are educated in that setting from the beginning of their school careers’.

1.Social inclusion

any student can be placed within general education and not to be accepted. The appropriate social skills for social integration are not taught or have not been taught.

2. Emotional inclusion

After a student has received a majority of his/her education separated from general education and is returned to general education,an emotional shock from change may arise. Rules, routines,procedures and so forth are different. Classwork and assignments are new.

3. Behavioural inclusion

New behaviours are expected as environments change- both for students and teachers. Many students behaviours became misbehaviours when inclusion occurs.

4. Physical inclusion

his face of inclusion probably was the first concept for inclusion and relates to the mandate of least restrictive environment. The placement met the concept of the law may not have allowed for an appropriate eduction.

5. Academic inclusion

Physical inclusion is normal. Academic inclusion needs growth.

6.Inclusion by Assessment standards

Assessment have moved to the front of educational conversation.It also had become a front-runner in issue of inclusion.


Behaviors towards low achiever – Myself

Describe FIVE (5) behaviors towards low achievers mentioned by Kauffman

1 2 3 4 5


Okay seperti yg dijanjikan I nak share pasal my friend ni.

Masa tu kami darjah 6. Biasalah I was a “queen” among my friends. Pergi sekolah bawa duit belanja RM2. Tapi makan mewah gila seperti nasi ayam (that time nasi ayam RM2) & lauk pauk sama macam makanan guru. Sbb apa? Kawan-kawan belanja. HAHA. Kan UPSR dah nak dekat, so tuition petang adalah sgt tidak digemari. One day, the queen (of course me) decided to sneak out from the school to skip the tuition. Kami pergi masak nasi goreng & karaoke at my friend’s house. Before that, ada satu kawan I, dia skema sikit sbb tu first time dia ponteng kan. Then masa nk blah tu ada ke patut dia pergi jatuhkan beg depan cikgu then cakap kat cikgu nak pergi toilet. Last-last kantoi kami semua ponteng. Start from that day, cikgu semua pulaukan my friend yg skema tu. I pelik kenapa dorang tak pulaukan me sekali? Maybe my father was PIBG punya orang kot. Don’t know. Tapi sejak haritu, semua guru exclude my English teacher cakap buruk pasal that girl. Sampai lah dia tertekan and jd low self confidence. Padahal tu first time dia ponteng. All the teachers keep blaming her sampaikan duit koperasi hilang, dia tuduh my friend. I pity her. Sehingga lah dapat result UPSR she managed to get an A for BM. Cikgu yg ajar BM tu la (yg tuduh dia curi duit) baru tersipu-sipu malu and minta maaf dekat dia. Tapi kawan I sampai sekarang tak maafkan that teacher. Sbb teacher tu lah dia jd down and semua guru cop dia budak jahat. So pengajaran kat sini is as a teacher we cannot simply judge our students. Even they are doing bad towards us. Find the right way to tackle them. 

That’s all from me. Thanks!


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Reflection 7 : Presentation by Adira, Nadia & Yasmin


Ummm what to say eh? actually I am really busy. doing this and that. got presentation, micro teaching and also quiz FOR THIS WEEK. can’t you imagine that? 😦 as a student who is doing business as part time, I have to arrange my schedule or else belajar ke mana, study ke mana. it’s okay. itu adalah ujian daripada Allah. I redha~ weeeee =)

Okay back to the story!

Last week, Adira, Nadia & Yasmin were presented about their task. The first presenter is Adira. She was assigned to present about SAALE MODEL. Actually SAALE Model is about the way how to fulfill the needs of the students who are low achiever (special needs children) want to study like other normal students. It has three components which is adapting environment, adapting instructional environment and adapted evaluation. I enjoyed her presentation so much! She gives me very clear info ❤

The second presenter is…………… Nadia! heheheh. At first, she was really nervous but she managed to handle it. She was assigned to present about AUTISM. I love the way she present it because she shared with us about her experience as a teacher in kindergarten. Now I know there are many types and characteristic of people who are autism. I can use this knowledge to recognize my students once I have become a teacher. InsyaAllah.


The last presenter is Yasmin. awwwwww I love her slides! so creative and colorful. She was present about Down Syndrome Children. I felt so touched when watching the video clip. The down syndrome children have almost the same shape of their face. It happens because of chorosome 21 in our brain. Most people have 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs of chromosomes. People with Down syndrome have an extra number 21 chromosome for a total of 47 chromosomes. This condition is also called “Trisomy 21.” Trisomy comes from the Latin word “tri” which means three and “some” which means body and refers to chromosomes. People with trisomy 21 have three bodies 21, or three number 21 chromosomes.



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Reflection 6 : Mind map Multiple Intelligence


Suddenly I feel like want to cry because I managed to do such a lovelyyyyyy mind map in my life. Seriously I put so much effort, passion and love while making this mind map. I hope it will help you especially Ummi and my friends understand about Multiple Intelligence. Based on my previous punya previous entry, I’ve wrote about that. you can read about that at here (Multiple Intelligence). If you’re lazy to click the link, never mind I put all the infos at the below. hihi

Howard Gardner of Harvard has identified seven distinct intelligences. This theory has emerged from recent cognitive research and “documents the extent to which students possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways,” according to Gardner (1991). According to this theory, “we are all able to know the world through language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or to make things, an understanding of other individuals, and an understanding of ourselves. Where individuals differ is in the strength of these intelligences – the so-called profile of intelligences -and in the ways in which such intelligences are invoked and combined to carry out different tasks, solve diverse problems, and progress in various domains.”

Gardner says that these differences “challenge an educational system that assumes that everyone can learn the same materials in the same way and that a uniform, universal measure suffices to test student learning. Indeed, as currently constituted, our educational system is heavily biased toward linguistic modes of instruction and assessment and, to a somewhat lesser degree, toward logical-quantitative modes as well.” Gardner argues that “a contrasting set of assumptions is more likely to be educationally effective. Students learn in ways that are identifiably distinctive. The broad spectrum of students – and perhaps the society as a whole – would be better served if disciplines could be presented in a numbers of ways and learning could be assessed through a variety of means.” The learning styles are as follows:

Visual-Spatial – think in terms of physical space, as do architects and sailors. Very aware of their environments. They like to draw, do jigsaw puzzles, read maps, daydream. They can be taught through drawings, verbal and physical imagery. Tools include models, graphics, charts, photographs, drawings, 3-D modeling, video, videoconferencing, television, multimedia, texts with pictures/charts/graphs.

Bodily-kinesthetic – use the body effectively, like a dancer or a surgeon. Keen sense of body awareness. They like movement, making things, touching. They communicate well through body language and be taught through physical activity, hands-on learning, acting out, role playing. Tools include equipment and real objects.

Musical – show sensitivity to rhythm and sound. They love music, but they are also sensitive to sounds in their environments. They may study better with music in the background. They can be taught by turning lessons into lyrics, speaking rhythmically, tapping out time. Tools include musical instruments, music, radio, stereo, CD-ROM, multimedia.

Interpersonal – understanding, interacting with others. These students learn through interaction. They have many friends, empathy for others, street smarts. They can be taught through group activities, seminars, dialogues. Tools include the telephone, audio conferencing, time and attention from the instructor, video conferencing, writing, computer conferencing, E-mail.

Intrapersonal – understanding one’s own interests, goals. These learners tend to shy away from others. They’re in tune with their inner feelings; they have wisdom, intuition and motivation, as well as a strong will, confidence and opinions. They can be taught through independent study and introspection. Tools include books, creative materials, diaries, privacy and time. They are the most independent of the learners.

Linguistic – using words effectively. These learners have highly developed auditory skills and often think in words. They like reading, playing word games, making up poetry or stories. They can be taught by encouraging them to say and see words, read books together. Tools include computers, games, multimedia, books, tape recorders, and lecture.

Logical -Mathematical – reasoning, calculating. Think conceptually, abstractly and are able to see and explore patterns and relationships. They like to experiment, solve puzzles, ask cosmic questions. They can be taught through logic games, investigations, mysteries. They need to learn and form concepts before they can deal with details.

multiple intelligence

Thanks to Kak Ana for color pencils + pen. mieheheheh

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Reflection 5 : The Miracle Worker



Have you ever heard about this movie? Me? Nope! This is my first time watching this kind of movie (include Taare Zameen Par & Temple Grandin). Before this I love to watch action & thriller movies only. Anyway, thank you Ummi for giving me chance to know, watch, feel and fall in love with those kind of movies!

Last week, Ummi had some works at UniTen. So Imran and us were decided to watch The Miracle Worker, so that we can proceed to the fifth reflection. What can I say is, The Miracle Worker is such a good movie! I love the way the teacher (Annie Sullivan) treat Helen Keller. If I am at her place, I think I can’t handle Hellen Keller. Maybe I will stay at the house for 1 to 2 days only. After that I will chow. Hahaha This is because I have to face the not supportive father, Captain, and the annoying brother, James. They will drive me crazy you know. HAHAHAHA. I really respect Annie Sullivan. She is so lovely and strong even though she is not the real teacher.

The synopsis :

The play The Miracle Worker opens with a doctor assuring Captain Keller and his wife, Kate, that their infant daughter, Helen, will recover from a serious fever. Soon after the doctor leaves, however, Kate realizes that Helen is deaf and blind. In the next scene, Helen is about six years old. She is a wild, undisciplined child. Though they try, her parents are unable to help or control her. In desperation they hire a young woman, Annie Sullivan.

From the moment Annie arrives, it is clear that she and Helen will be gripped in a great struggle. But Helen is not the only problem for Annie. Annie must also convince the Kellers, especially the Captain, that she, Annie, needs complete control of Helen if she is to reach the child. Annie is certain that language is the key to gaining access to Helen’s mind, and she constantly spells the names of things on Helen’s palm.

Although Helen can spell them back on Annie’s palm, the understanding that the words represent things eludes her. After spending two weeks together in the garden house, Helen finally obeys Annie, but when the time is up and they return to the family, Helen quickly reverts to her former behavior. The Kellers are indulgent, ready to fall back in their old pattern of behavior, but Annie doesn’t let them. When Helen spills a water pitcher on Annie, Annie takes her out to refill it. She spells “water” into Helen’s hand, and suddenly the miracle happens. Helen understands.

Anyway this is the article that I found while searching the images of The Miracle Worker. Just wanna share with you guys =)


This is my digital messages. I realized there are many version of this movies. So I can’t find the best picture to edit since the size of them are too small. 😦

images (1) miracleworker2bfffd74-9ca1-40ab-b62f-768a295f550e


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Reflection 4 : Multiple Intelligence


During last tutorial on Thursday, we were needed to answer questionnaire about Multiple Intelligence  that prepared by Ummi. What is Multiple Intelligence? Seriously you don’t know? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! Me either :p so here is some information that I get from Mr. Google. Thank you Mr. Google :p



Howard Gardner of Harvard has identified seven distinct intelligences. This theory has emerged from recent cognitive research and “documents the extent to which students possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways,” according to Gardner (1991). According to this theory, “we are all able to know the world through language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or to make things, an understanding of other individuals, and an understanding of ourselves. Where individuals differ is in the strength of these intelligences – the so-called profile of intelligences -and in the ways in which such intelligences are invoked and combined to carry out different tasks, solve diverse problems, and progress in various domains.”

Gardner says that these differences “challenge an educational system that assumes that everyone can learn the same materials in the same way and that a uniform, universal measure suffices to test student learning. Indeed, as currently constituted, our educational system is heavily biased toward linguistic modes of instruction and assessment and, to a somewhat lesser degree, toward logical-quantitative modes as well.” Gardner argues that “a contrasting set of assumptions is more likely to be educationally effective. Students learn in ways that are identifiably distinctive. The broad spectrum of students – and perhaps the society as a whole – would be better served if disciplines could be presented in a numbers of ways and learning could be assessed through a variety of means.” The learning styles are as follows:

Visual-Spatial – think in terms of physical space, as do architects and sailors. Very aware of their environments. They like to draw, do jigsaw puzzles, read maps, daydream. They can be taught through drawings, verbal and physical imagery. Tools include models, graphics, charts, photographs, drawings, 3-D modeling, video, videoconferencing, television, multimedia, texts with pictures/charts/graphs.

Bodily-kinesthetic – use the body effectively, like a dancer or a surgeon. Keen sense of body awareness. They like movement, making things, touching. They communicate well through body language and be taught through physical activity, hands-on learning, acting out, role playing. Tools include equipment and real objects.

Musical – show sensitivity to rhythm and sound. They love music, but they are also sensitive to sounds in their environments. They may study better with music in the background. They can be taught by turning lessons into lyrics, speaking rhythmically, tapping out time. Tools include musical instruments, music, radio, stereo, CD-ROM, multimedia.

Interpersonal – understanding, interacting with others. These students learn through interaction. They have many friends, empathy for others, street smarts. They can be taught through group activities, seminars, dialogues. Tools include the telephone, audio conferencing, time and attention from the instructor, video conferencing, writing, computer conferencing, E-mail.

Intrapersonal – understanding one’s own interests, goals. These learners tend to shy away from others. They’re in tune with their inner feelings; they have wisdom, intuition and motivation, as well as a strong will, confidence and opinions. They can be taught through independent study and introspection. Tools include books, creative materials, diaries, privacy and time. They are the most independent of the learners.

Linguistic – using words effectively. These learners have highly developed auditory skills and often think in words. They like reading, playing word games, making up poetry or stories. They can be taught by encouraging them to say and see words, read books together. Tools include computers, games, multimedia, books, tape recorders, and lecture.

Logical -Mathematical – reasoning, calculating. Think conceptually, abstractly and are able to see and explore patterns and relationships. They like to experiment, solve puzzles, ask cosmic questions. They can be taught through logic games, investigations, mysteries. They need to learn and form concepts before they can deal with details.

I can’t remember about the whole result. But, I still remember the last and second last. My second last goes tooooooooo…. jengjengjeng!! MATHS muahahaha. Actually I don’t really like maths. During my school time, my best friend used to help to finish my addmath’s homework. Until now, I am not really good in maths. Kalau congak, confirm ternganga-nganga. Then bawa keluar handphone terus cari application calculator. Muahahaha :p

Oh for the last one I got ……………………… Jengjjegjengjeng! MUSIC. muahahahaha. actually I love to hear music but not really good in memorizing the lyrics. so every time when driving, I will switch on the radio and singing with the wrong lyrics. my sister always laugh at me. wuwuwuuu but I don’t mind because I will report at my father that she loves to sing and lazy to study. after that dia kena marah sbb malas study. hahahaha!

since Yasmin is sharing her old picture, I also wanted to share mine :p

228201_212431348787359_671681_nmasa I kecil ibu suka buat rambut style helmet T_____T

429553_344213228942503_415501393_n2010, 2011, 2012.

197226_200017310028763_6222411_n2011. @ Johore Matriculation College


LATEST. mihmihmih


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Reflection 3 : Temple Grandin


We meet again! hee. okay today I would like to share with you guys the digital messages that I got from Temple Grandin movie. This movie was really awesome! As a future teacher, we must know all this knowledge because we can prepare ourselves in handling our students. We don’t know their background. So if one of them is autism, at least we know how to treat and overcome their problem. Austism people are so special! “I’m a visual thinker, not a language-based thinker. My brain is like Google Images.” – Temple Grandin. Oh ya before I share with you guys my digital messages, here I want to share about Temple Grandin.

About Temple Grandin


Dr. Grandin didn’t talk until she was three and a half years old, communicating her frustration instead by screaming, peeping, and humming. In 1950, she was diagnosed with autism and her parents were told she should be institutionalized. She tells her story of “groping her way from the far side of darkness” in her bookEmergence: Labeled Autistic, a book which stunned the world because, until its publication, most professionals and parents assumed that an autism diagnosis was virtually a death sentence to achievement or productivity in life.

Dr. Grandin has become a prominent author and speaker on the subject of autism because “I have read enough to know that there are still many parents, and yes, professionals too, who believe that ‘once autistic, always autistic.’ This dictum has meant sad and sorry lives for many children diagnosed, as I was in early life, as autistic. To these people, it is incomprehensible that the characteristics of autism can be modified and controlled. However, I feel strongly that I am living proof that they can” (from Emergence: Labeled Autistic).

Even though she was considered “weird” in her young school years, she eventually found a mentor, who recognized her interests and abilities. Dr. Grandin later developed her talents into a successful career as a livestock-handling equipment designer, one of very few in the world. She has now designed the facilities in which half the cattle are handled in the United States, consulting for firms such as Burger King, McDonald’s, Swift, and others.

Temple Grandin, Ph.D., is now the most accomplished and well-known adult with autism in the world. Her fascinating life, with all its challenges and successes has been brought to the screen. She has been featured onNPR (National Public Radio), major television programs, such as the BBC special “The Woman Who Thinks Like a Cow”ABC’s Primetime LiveThe Today ShowLarry King Live48 Hours and 20/20, and has been written about in many national publications, such as Time magazine, People magazine, ForbesU.S. News and World Report, and New York Times.. Among numerous other recognitions by media, Bravo Cable did a half-hour show on her life, and she was featured in the best-selling book, Anthropologist from Mars.

Dr. Grandin presently works as a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. She also speaks around the world on both autism and cattle handling. At every Future Horizons conference on autism, the audience rates her presentation as 10+.

Source :

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Reflection 2 : Taare Zameen Par


Actually I don’t like watching hindi movies. BUT BUT BUT my mom loves to! hehehehe. We were assigned to watch Taare Zameen Par and come out with the moral values. To get the moral values, I MUST NEED SHOULD watch this movie. Guess what? The movie was so amazing! awesome! I love all the messages in the movie. The flow. EVERYTHING!


Every child is special

The synopsis :

Ishaan Awasthi (Darsheel Safary) is an eight-year-old whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate; colors, fish, dogs and kites are just not important in the world of adults, who are much more interested in things like homework, marks and neatness. And Ishaan just cannot seem to get anything right in class.

When he gets into far more trouble than his parents can handle, he is packed off to a boarding school to be disciplined. Things are no different at his new school, and Ishaan has to contend with the added trauma of separation from his family.

One day a new art teacher bursts onto the scene, Ram Shankar Nikumbh (Aamir Khan), who infects the students with joy and optimism. He breaks all the rules of how things are done by asking them to think, dream and imagine, and all the children respond with enthusiasm, all except Ishaan. Nikumbh soon realizes that Ishaan is very unhappy, and he sets out to discover why. With time, patience and care, he ultimately helps Ishaan find himself.

While watching this movie, while sob-ing with roommate, while busy wiping my tears, I still managed to jot down the moral values. sobsobsob. HERE WE GOOOO!





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